Wednesday 6 April 2016

Citing Sources

Citing sources is important because If you don' then someone might think its fake information. If you work as researcher then you need to make sure that all your information is accurate.
  • Jack Mirkinson Senior Media Editor, The Huffington Post

  • Time editor-at-large and CNN host Fareed Zakaria was suspended from both places for a month on Friday after admitting to lifting parts of a story from the New Yorker.
    Conservative media watchdog Newsbusters was the first to spot the similarities between a Zakaria piece on gun control and an article by Jill Lepore that appeared in the New Yorker in April.

    Fareed Zakaria was suspended from his job for not using correct information in a news article.

    Tuesday 5 April 2016

    Internet Rules

    I will think before I post:
    I like to make sure that what  I post won't embarass me or others in the future. Sometimes I here stories of people getting fired from their jobs because someone found something bad online

    I will respect others online:
    Treat others how you want to be treated online.

    I will be careful when meeting online friends in person:
     you should be careful who meet up with because you might not know as much as you think you do about them. That person could be catfishing you

    I will protect myself online:
    Don't share your personal information such as your age or address online because you don't know if there are creepy people who will use that information to stalk you or something
    Internet Information

    I Googled myself yesterday and was very surprised by the results. Most of what I found wasn't actually about me, it was about my family. I learned more about my family on Google than from them. Its crazy how much information the internet has. One of my cousins ( who I didn't even know about ) actually lives pretty close to me. I'll definitely be more careful about what I post.

    Friday 1 April 2016

    What is cyberbullying to me

    I think cyberbullying is when someone is bullying over the internet. For example, calling someone a mean name. I was cyberbullyed once. My ex best friends texted me that they didn't like me and that I was annoying. They said that we couldn't by be friends anymore because we were too different and I dressed too conservative. lol that's when I realized that I shouldn't be hanging out with them anyway because it wasn't fair to me. hanging out with them only made me more and more depressed. So I cut them out of my life. I moved houses and schools. I try to avoid them and stay positive! I'm good now but they're texts really hurt me. But... yeah I'm good. :)

    Wednesday 30 March 2016

    My First Post


    Homework Question: List 3 things you use the internet for and the dangers that may surround it